10 May 2012

The Enormous Crocodile

I'm really proud to say that I have officially gone one month make-up free :) Not counting nights out though, which I have had a grand total of three! Such a geek I know I know. I can't say it has been easy though, my skin is still a pain in the bum and I am still waiting for it to clear a bit more. However I am impressed with myself for getting this far :D

After doing so well I have decided to purchase the witch hazel tinted moisturiser. I have used the witch hazel gel before and it is really kind on skin so this had already put the witch products in a positive light for me. Most tinted moisturisers are basically a mix between moisturiser and foundation which is okay but still not too healthy for your skin. Everyone is raving about these BB creams at the moment but don't even get me started on those! Witch tinited moisturiser is anti-bacterial, uses witch hazel to prevent spots and apparently keeps your skin matte. Sounds really good right? Thats what I thought so I went and bought myself a tube from Superdrug today for just £2.99 on offer (not forgetting my extra 10% discount). The light shade was a pretty good match for my skin but with only three different shades this could be a tricky one over the Summer!

I am officially back on my healthy lifestyle obsession after being stuck on my rubbishy Easter diet due to my never ending assignments and being in need of chocolate rather more often than usual! I had a stomach bug over the weekend but I am all better now and this has spurred me to get on with a healthy eating plan and drinking lots of water! Must remember my body is a temple.... that should work... hopefully :)

After all of the assignment palava these past few months I might just become a permanent hippy and run off to live with the elephants for a more peaceful life. I hope everyone has been watching BBC Planet Earth Live by the way! I have been glued to my screen watching Moja the Lion, Swifty the Meerkat, Gremlin the Monkey and of course the Elephants :) You could even get on twitter last night and suggest names for the new baby elephant.. COOL HUH?

The young calf is part of the 'Writers' family so I tweeted that she should be named Dahl in dedication to the 'Enormous Crocodiles' that had also been on the show last night :P witty I am!

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