14 November 2014

This too shall pass.

Confession time. I am a massive Nervous Nellie. You might think I seem confident and that I've got it all together but I certainly don't! I worry about all sorts of things, from calling someone about council tax to a workshop observation in a few days time. I would say that I'm quite chilled out and I can actually deal with last minute situations really well BUT if I know if something is coming up I can't help feeling nervous and anxious about it, no matter how silly. I need to call HMRC about the emergency tax I paid in October. It's now two weeks into November and I've not done it because I'm worried that I won't have all the information they need or I'll mumble all my words together! Ryan will tell you that I often ask him to do things like this just so I don't have to worry about it.

Last year when I was teaching I spent an awful lot of the time feeling nervous - not because I can't handle teaching, but I was worried that I wasn't doing what was expected from the school I was in. In my new job I am so much more relaxed and I can sleep through the night without dreaming about staff meetings. However this week and last week, when I had observations coming up, I felt the familiar anxious feeling coming back. When my nerves are at their worst I struggle to sleep because I can't get my mind to stop and when I do fall asleep, I just wake up at ridiculous o'clock in the morning because I want it over and done with. I can never eat anything either because I feel so anxious and I often get sweaty palms and blush a lot too!
Image from Pinterest.

It feels so silly that I manage to work myself up over things that I can't change and 99% of the time it all works out well! I'm already doing things differently by choosing things that make me happy and spending more time chilling out. I still want to work on ways that I can be more relaxed and less worrisome! There have been a couple of blog posts I've enjoyed reading this week as they've shown me that I'm not the only one who needs to focus less on the future on more on now...

Living in the NOW
Things I already do:
Reading: Getting lost in a good book is my favourite way to take my mind off any worries I do have.

Image from Pinterest.

Go to bed early: I am an early bird anyway but it's so important to get a good night's sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

Spend time outside: I am so lucky that I get to do this all the time at work as well as walking to and from work most days. It's true what they say about happy workers walking or cycling to work. Ryan often wants to get out and about on our days off too which is always a bonus.

Do things I enjoy: I now make more time for all the stuff I like doing.. even if that is watching hours of Buffy on netflix with Ryan. Sometimes I draw pictures, play scrabble or bake cakes.. whatever I feel like doing! I am also really loving my new yoga class- it's enjoyable, I learn lots and I get some extra relaxation practice too :)

Things I should do more of:
Switch off: I am as guilty as anyone for spending too much time on social media, reading rubbish articles, testing different photo filters and generally comparing myself and my life to everyone else. If I spent less time doing all that, I'd probably care less about what others were up to and actually focus on the good things I have all around me.

Image from Pinterest.

Drink more herbal tea: I love a good cup of tea! Any caffeine after 5pm however is a big NO because my mind just won't sleep. I recently bought some chamomile tea to try in the evenings so we'll see what happens.

Meditate: I find this soooo difficult. On my ipad there are numerous apps that claim to help me become more mindful but I can barely sit there for two minutes without thinking about what is for dinner.

Image from Pinterest.

Believing in myself: I am a massive geek at heart and I hate it when I can't do things well or if others might think I'm stupid. I know what I'm good at, I just have to believe that I can and stop being so critical of myself.

Images from Pinterest.

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