29 November 2014

Five Things: The Potter Edition

It is no secret that I love Harry Potter, anyone who knows me would be able to tell you that. Ever since I picked up Philosopher's Stone from Tettenhall library I have been hooked and I probably always will be. After the release of new material on Pottermore I have been re-reading the books and feeling particularly magical, so I decided to blog five things I love about Harry Potter. This list could have been endless but I managed to whittle it down!

One: I love the amount of female role models in the story - Hermione, McGonagall, Luna and Ginny just to name a few. As the geek of the class growing up I obviously identified with Hermione. Top marks in class was what I lived for and reading was most certainly my thing. Even as a teenager (and an adult) I would rather be a brainy weirdo like Luna than a Pansy Parkinson. 

Two: It is a window to a whole magical world where you can escape to for a few hours. From chapter one I was sucked into the alternate universe where spells were real and post came by owl. The books are so descriptive that the films were exactlly as I imagined they would be. Even now the magic goes on, if I am feeling down I will stick my nose in a book and revisit the familiar adventures.

Three: I learned so much from reading the books. Honestly, Harry Potter can teach you important life lessons. I'd rather live in the Burrow than Malfoy Manor, I wanted to join S.P.E.W and the D.A, and I wouldn't dream of calling someone a mudblood. I am still pinning Dumbledore quotes on Pinterest because he gives the best advice.

"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."

Four: I have grown up with it. It all began with a borrowed library book that I must have raved about a lot because my Mum soon got the box-set of the first four books. I remember being Hermione for book day in year five, reading Goblet of Fire in Consett at my Grandad's and going to see the first film at cineworld when I was nine. It doesn't stop there, my teenage years bought anticipation for the new books, discussions about Snape's loyalty during GCSE science lessons and getting early access to Pottermore. My love continued through university with fancy dress, riding the Hogwarts express, visiting the studio tour and watching the final film with tears in my eyes. I'm pretty sure I will never grow out of it :)

Five: Because JK Rowling is a genius! The books are so well written and thought out. After reading them over and over I still find new connections. Grindlewald features in Philosopher's Stone on a chocolate frog card but doesn't come into play until Deathly Hallows. Same with Gregorovitch but Ollivander drops his name into conversation with Krum during the wand weighing in Goblet of Fire. 

Harry Potter will never cease to amaze me.

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