31 March 2013

Weird grown up stuff

So after three months on placement (thats forty six days in the classroom) I have finally finished! It's scary and exciting to think that the next time I stand in front of a class they will be my own. I still don't know where or when that will be, but the job hunt commences after I've had a well deserved few days off for Easter :) It's so great to see so many people have already been successful in getting a job.. even if I am a little jealous :P I know that I'm probably going to be one of the last people to get a job because I'm holding out for the perfect job for me, which could be a really brilliant or really stupid idea in the current employment climate!!

There is only a month left of University after my Easter break which is INSANE. How can this be happening!? The last three years have gone so darn quickly.. maybe that's a sign of my age? It's time to grow up and enter the proper adult world at the grand old age of twenty one. Though, I have noticed weird stuff starts happening once you get into your twenties and this article from hellogiggles.com has hit the nail on the head. As much as you can deny it, you are already letting out signs that you're a proper grown up now. Last weekend I went shopping with Tom and we ended up in Marks and Spencers looking at homeware and we ENJOYED IT. 

Now I'm not getting my pipe and slippers ready just yet, I still have my WHOLE life ahead of me. It might be scary diving into the unknown waters of adulthood but there is so much that I'm excited about too! Obviously in the near future I hope to go down the traditional teaching route and complete my NQT (newly qualified teacher) year but deep down I know I want to travel and teach in a more unconventional sense. I'd love to get involved in a project abroad or work with charities to deliver educational workshops.

The one thing that is a MASSIVE pro about getting old is having your own place. After living in three different student houses it is going to be so much fun finally getting to decorate. I have a home-ware board on Pinterest full of inspiration, just waiting for the day I finally get set loose on my own property :) I can just imagine filling it full of beautiful finds from charity shops or all my future travels (hopefully). I don't know where I'll be living or who I'll be living with yet but I'm sure it will be awesome!

I'm not sure what the next big step is for me; there are loads of things like bills, mortages and having children that scare the living bejeebies out of me but I think I'm finally feeling somewhat prepared for being thrown into the big wide world! All I know is that I'm determined to live life by doing what makes me happy :) happiness is not the destination, it's the journey! 

"If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try
- Seth Godin

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