24 March 2013

Hankerin’ for some Spring

I am really bored of Winter now. I am totally sick of the snow. I'm fed up of wearing boots and I LOVE boots. I'm tired of layering up. I've forgotten what it was like not to be pale. I just want it to be Spring already! I'm starting to wilt like both my houseplants thanks to this rotten temperature and lack of sunshine on my skin. I'm definitely verging on SAD... seasonal affective disorder. This time last year I had finished my second year placement and I was out celebrating in a very summery playsuit. Now I've been searching for things to cheer me up while there is the ever impending threat of MORE snow. Let me know if you have any more ideas of what I can do in between surviving my final week of placement :)

Drink lots of cups of tea. You know this is the magic cure for everything right?

Look at pictures of animals dressed as other animals. Very distracting but smiling is inevitable!


Listen to this song, no other explanation needed...

Laugh at the many faces of Nick Miller.

Go out in the snow anyway! It's no good for you to stay inside all of the time. Just do as the Red Panda at Chester zoo did :) pandas are very wise you know...

...unless they are McFly all dressed up for their Earth Hour performance :) I did watch and sing along gleefully for the entire hour.

Do NOTHING for two minutes and listen to the sound of the waves. It's a lot harder than you think when you are a technology addicted as I am.

Choose all the things you want to buy for Spring now by doing some internet shopping. This could backfire though because I just want them now and I won't be able to wear them.

Watch dirty dancing a few times. You can sing along, laugh and maybe copy some of Baby's moves.

Turn the heating up so you are lovely and warm and then dig into some ice cream rather than a hot chocolate.

Watch the diet coke advert.I'm sorry but this will only cheer you up if you like really hot guys doing the gardening.

Search for geeky stuff on tumblr and pinterest. Obviously my geeky sense of humour might not match yours :P

This poem is on the wall in the toilet on placement. I always smile when I see it and I'm magically in a good mood. Just smile and pass it it :)

Smiling is infectious,
you catch it like the flu,

When someone smiled at me today,

I started smiling too.
I passed around the corner,
and someone saw my grin.

When he smiled I realised

I’d passed it on to him.
I thought about that smile

then I realized its worth.

A single smile, just like mine
could travel round the earth.

So if you feel a smile begin,

don’t leave it undetected.

Let’s start an epidemic quick,
and get the world infected!


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