3 February 2013

What did grandma taste like?

When you are a teacher, every single day is different and that's why I love it so much! You are in an exciting and stimulating environment all day long and you get to spend it with some of the most interesting people on the planet. Children :) In no other profession can you say that you were a scientist, an artist, a historian, an actor, a cheerleader, an architect, an explorer, a big bad wolf and many other things all in the space of a week. We all complain about our piles of planning and lack of a social life BUT  I can't imagine doing anything else for the years and years to come...

The Teacher Diaries

It was a super exciting start to the week (even more exciting than the firemen!) because we got to play on the brand new ipads :) woohoohooooooo. As my class teacher is the ICT coordinator, our class got dibbs on them. We used an app called puppet pals to retell traditional tales; the kids uploaded pictures of themselves with masks and used them to act out their story. My class is doing a Disney topic at the moment and this week was focused on Tangled, so lots of fairy tales and castles!!

You can watch some of the puppet pals creations on our Class Blog haha, remember they are only year 1/2 though :) definitely a good effort if you ask me.

As I'm only on mini block of placement, I haven't been doing too much of the teaching; the hard work all starts in a weeks time, eek. I spent Tuesday afternoon exploring all the art resources at school and then building a castle and a dragon for our role play area. I filled it with lots of fairy tale books for the children to read during busy time and we are thinking about maybe putting some crowns and shields in there too :) fun fun fun.

SCHOOL TRIP DAY!!!! Unfortunately I didn't get to be a cool kid and sit on the back seat, I was too busy being a super profesh teacher, complete with hi-vis jacket! Here is a very muchly cropped, sneak peak of me in all my hi-vis glory...

I think I was trying to get my furry hood around my ears as it was a really windy and cold day at Skipton Castle. The kids loved climbing over EVERYTHING and pretending that they were at a banquet. I now know how my Mother felt when me and my sister used to climb everything in sight... who am I kidding, we still do that now. Sorry Mum.

Today we interviewed three little pigs, made patterns out of shapes, learnt a song in French, ran around like mental people in PE and a load of other stuff. The best thing about Thursday though was that we decided what our topic for next half term will be in the planning meeting... Mini beasts! I get to watch all the kids squirm when we look at spiders and caterpillars and everything else tiny and gross :) It also means there will be a lot of pond dipping, growing plants and of course school trips to wildlife centres, yaaaaaaaay!

I had my first appraisal, EEK! I did a lesson on hotseating, which the kids had never done before. I was awful at drama at school but I did manage to pull off a hilarious big bad wolf from red riding hood... until somebody asked me what grandma tasted like.... "a bit boney" was all that came to mind.

Then I had to rush off to cross the county from North to East to go and view a school that I'm applying for a job at. Every room was full of chaos, it was lovely :) I don't know whether I will get the first job I apply for but hopefully there is a job out there for a nutcase like me.

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