23 December 2012

Achoo, achoo, achoo.

Since last week's blog post, I have spent my time being ill. I was feeling pretty darn invincible when I managed to avoid the dreaded cough that both my Yorky housemates had. Then I spend two days at home and it's lurgy city. I haven't done much interesting stuff because all me and Nikki want to do is slob in front of the TV so instead I'm writing about how I'm attempting to rid my self of the snotty ghoul before I morph into a Scrooge at Christmas.

Eat soup
I love soup during my healthier days but when you have a cold it can be like warm liquidy magic. Chicken noodle soup is the recommended healer but it's really gross :( I'd much rather tuck into a beef broth, mulligatawny or a loyal tomato.

Another one of nature's magic healers; tea never fails to make me feel better. I know you are meant to take it without milk when you are ill because dairy makes you extra mucusy.. eeeeurgh. However I was just looking up cold cures, to make me sound super smart, and they say you aren't meant to drink caffiene! Maybe I'll be sticking to boring water with honey, lemon or ginger instead.

Rest & Relaxtion 
It's so tempting to snuggle up in your onsie and stay in bed for hours on end when you are ill. It's true that R&R and a bit of time is the best remedies but as my Mother says, you also have to 'shake your feathers'. You should try and leave the house and get some fresh air... especially if you STILL have Christmas shopping to do.

Festive Animals
This was just to cheer me up. Look at their little faceeeees, naw! :P

Furry & Woolly goodies
I know it's nearly christmas but you should totally buy something new and cosy. There is always a woolly jumper adorned with a cute woodland animal or some super snug boots on the wish list. There is absolutely NO excuse, even if you are ill! With the dawn of internet shopping you can get yourselves some amazing new Dr Martens just like me in two days ;)

Vitamin C 
This is soooo not fun, orange juice just tastes minging when you are ill and it stings your poor throat BUT you need those vitamins to get you into tip tip present opening shape! Its important to eat stuff too (remember to avoid dairy for your disgusting mucus!) because you will just feel horribly weak and lethargic otherwise. I just had a curry hoping it would unblock my nose.... very disappointing.

Cold fighting goodies.
Ibuprofen, paracetamol and cough syrup are now your best mates. Stock up on tissues, vapour rub and olbas oil too. Unfortunately, Tom Hardy wasn't included with my kleenex :( 

Favourite things
Do something you enjoy just to take your mind off it. Read a book, play your wii games or use all your fancy gadgets before they get replaced on Christmas day with new exciting ones. To be ultimately lazy you can just watch your favourite film. Festive ones are especially effective

Keep Warm & Snuggly
Your onsie will only get you so far towards your dreams of cosy, snuggly warmth. I highly recommend that yourselves a hot water bottle or a hottie; sadly I mean a microwaveable animal and not Gerard Butler.

Nature's best cure :) yay!

& finally...
DO NOT act like Sheldon Cooper. You will have no friends left and your family will probably hate you a little bit secretly. However, I think it is perfectly reasonable to demand a rendition of Soft Kitty when you are feeling particularly yuck.

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