25 July 2012

Olympic scorcher

It is finally my day off, wahooooo!!! This glorious weather arrived just in time :) it has been hotter in England than it was in Lanzarote which is totally insane; I am begging for the canary island breeze now! My theory is that England is just trying to channel the fabby Greek weather because of course that is where the Olympics aaaaaaall began :D I've noticed the Olympic fever is at an all time high in Britain; my facebook/twitter/whatever else is full of people either standing near the torch or with the torch or sometimes just a really blurry picture of a runner and said torch. If that is not enough, the Olympic lanes officially open in London today. I had first hand look at these on my LONG trip to and from St Pancreas station on Monday and they are EVERYWHERE.. good luck Londoners trying to get to work on time! Oh yeah, they also sell Olympic style rubber ducks in ASDA, crazy!

Now I am all for the Olympics and I love that GB are this years hosts :) I know the economy is a mess and Olympic worthy pools are pretty expensive but sometimes you just have to say yes in life! A small confession though... I may be a teeny bit excited at seeing all of the scantily clad Olympians. But seriously, what girl wouldn't be? With Tom Daley rumoured to be off the market it's a good job that Cosmopolitan Magazine provided us with a whole host of athletic centrefolds last month. May I introduce you to the GB hockey team?

Even though I ogle all these lovely sporty men I am definitely a lazy girl at heart! I am useless at literally any kind of sport except girly stuff like yoga which I am not even sure classes as a sport! My ideal Olympic sport  would most certainly be sofa diving or swimming in a giant cup of tea; or maybe a caramel & soya frappuccino if the weather stays hot hot hot!


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