22 July 2012

Busy Bee

Sooooo I kind of have a confession to make. I totally forgot about my 365 photo a day challenge while I have been working here at Summer camp! It's not like me to give up on something so quickly and I am majorly disappointed with myself :( But then again who can judge me when I work from 7:30am till 11:30pm EVERY SINGLE DAY. It is exhausting work but I definitely wouldn't have it any other way :)

It's a pretty sad day at camp as we had to stand and wave goodbye to a load of children that were making their way to the airports. Some of the staff unfortnately had to leave as we are having a quieter week at camp. It's been soooo strangely empty around school and in the staffroom but at least I have some free time to catch up on things :) I have actually missed my blog! I don't remember the last time I properly watched a tv or actually had nothing to do.. what I wouldn't do to snuggle up with a magazine and a cup of tea right now.

Why is it that as you get older you seem to aquire a million and one things to do? As well as working practically 24/7 I'm trying to juggle my life at Uni; moving in dates, student finance, rent payments etc! Lets not forget the ongoing job hunt for when I move back to York in September! It definitely feels like my holiday to Lanzarote was a million years ago :'(

I have one more week to go until I can get back into the blogging zone and give you guys something good to read about!!

Hope you are all well :)


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