26 May 2013

The future comes one day at a time.

My days at York St John University are officially over; my last assignment is handed in, library books returned, no more lectures, student card is nearly expired, everyone has gone home and I've signed up to the alumni society. I still don't believe I'm actually leaving though, it's been a lovely state of denial all week but it's starting to sink in now. We had our first tears of sadness on Friday :(

It's so silly to be sad though, I've had the most amazing three years in York. I've met the most inspiring, awesome people ever, collected more memories than I can count, visited some of the best places in the UK and learnt so much about myself. Even though it's time to move on to new adventures I will always cherish the time I spent here. Oh you guys... proper welling up writing this!

We really did celebrate the end with a bang! I accepted my first teaching post on Monday in a little rural school in Boroughbridge (just north of York) with year 2/3. I am totally in love with the school, they are so friendly, have a Fair trade committee, there's ridiculous amounts of outdoor space and loads more!! After the intense interview day, Sam and Holly came to pick me up (and had to wait 2 hours! <3 you guys) and we rushed back to York to get ready for our Primary Ed Ball.

The program reps had organised a meal for the whole course at the Hilton Hotel in York :) guys it was fab!! I admit I was slightly merry on the champers and overwhelmed from the job situation that I probably didn't appreciate it as much as I should have but it was still a great night!

Pssssst.... my orange dress was only £6 from a charity shop, bargain :)

Inspired by the bucket list I wrote a couple of weeks ago (you can read it here), Holly compiled a York bucket list. There were a few things we had to do before we left so we shook off the tiredness and hangovers and got into tourist mode. We walked the best part of the walls, climbed to the top of the Minster, lay on the floor in the Minster, bought fudge from the Fudge Kitchen and finished with fancy tea and coffee in Bettys. Sam then cooked us all a Mexican feast while we all nearly fell asleep in her living room. 

"Do you ever walk into a room and just want to lay on the floor?"

"Let's do an exhausted pose and then a celebrating one"

After a well deserved lie in and lounge around the next day we all went to Alice's for her kiddy style birthday party :) We played loads of silly games including the funniest pass the parcel ever! Moustaches and dares, I don't know how you guys came up with it. Alice I hope you had a fabulous night with all us weirdos :)

If York exploring wasn't enough, on Thursday Sam took me on a mini-roadtrip to Whitby (I got to sing Wuthering Heights as we drove through the moors :P HEATHCLIIIIIIFF). I've only been once and all I could remember was a giant goth convention happening on the same day we went. It's actually really cute with plenty of little shopping streets, fish&chips and loads of fishing boats. We obviously went on THE windiest day but still walked up to the lighthouses, fighting the choppy weather. We toooootally didn't laugh when a wave came right over and completely drenched a guy taking a picture of the sea... ;) 

"I just dribbled and it flew away!"

Yes that hot chocolate is mine. Yes I am NOT supposed to have dairy. Yes I have had a lovely break-out, but it was sooooo worth it.

On Friday, Emma very kindly invited me to share her prize from the Primary Ed Ball. We both went and had our make-up done at The Body Shop which was very fancy :) She is going to kill me for putting the picture up but I looked more horrific with the headband on I promise! I don't wear much make-up usually and the lady was great at choosing stuff that I'd like... we went for a neutral 'radiant' look.

We then got to show off our lovely looks at the Summer Ball, however I think I have sweated mine off a tad in the pictures!! It was so nice to see everyone in the SU one last time before going out for a few drinks (and tears :P) afterwards. Not too sure the Roller Disco was a good idea after some champers though, I'm suffering with a damaged knuckle and coccyx but I know that isn't what I'll remember in the years to come :) There is already talk amongst a few of us about reunions here, there and everywhere, and don't forget about Old Johns weekend! 

GUYS I'M GETTING TOTES EMOSH (totally emotional for those who don't watch TV) WRITING ABOUT ALL THIS!!! I really do wish you all the greatest success in everything that you plan to do in the future <3 Unless you are planning world domination or something grim of course :P

Now let's pretend it's like the end of a movie and shove an upbeat song at the end ;)

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