28 September 2014

Festival of Thrift

Guys this is probably my last ever weekend in York! It's all steam ahead for the move to Cornwall and we are just awaiting a move-in date. More details about our unconventional choice of abode in a later blog as I'm still in York at the moment.

Today I went to Darlington with Ryan to visit their Festival of Thrift and take part in some workshops. I heard about the festival last year in Simple Things Magazine and went with Sam for her birthday weekend (I wrote about it all here). Ryan was busy and couldn't make it last year so he was excited to get stuck in today. We signed up for workshops in tapestry and cheese making just to have a go at something new, plus they were reasonably priced!

After a frustrating start (for Ryan) we managed to make a mini-tapestry in the hour that we had and learned a few bits of terminology and skills. We're not sure what to do with them now as they aren't exactly a work of art or an effective wall covering! Cheese making was less hands-on and I drifted off into a daydream a couple of times, however I was surprised how easy it is to make your own ricotta cheese.


 The festival was full of quirky individuals selling all sorts of stuff! There were some familiar faces from last year but still loads of new things to see and do. Ryan enjoyed stalking the goats in the petting farm... he has a goat obsession lately. I liked all the hand-made homey things like cute bunting and cross-stitched animal cushions. As usual the food looked and smelled delicious - we tucked into a hand-made, freshly cooked pizza for our lunch. If you live in the North I definitely recommend that you go next year!

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