20 December 2013

The most wonderful time.

December is a special month for most people with the build up to Christmas. It's a time for spending time with family and friends and spreading the holiday joy. However December is doubly special for me because it's also my birthday!! I didn't post a blog last week because I'd spent the weekend celebrating with friends and didn't have time to sit and write.

With a birthday so close to Christmas it's always difficult to decide how to celebrate. It's tricky for friends and family to buy two lots of presents too. I'd asked my family for money because that way I can spend it on nice things through the year rather than overloading on goodies all at once. That didn't stop my nearest and dearest buying lots of lovely gifts and staying up with me to open them all at midnight! They were all really thoughtful presents and I couldn't wait to use them! Even my Mum had sent me a little box of Lush goodies so I'd have something to open.

As well as adorning the living room with all my birthday cards, Amy and Tom sorted out some beautiful decorations for our flat. Our tree looks gorgeous dressed in silver and white and there are twinkly fairy lights all around. I think this year I've recieved the MOST Christmas cards ever. Who knew teachers were so popular? Ryan fashioned a card holder out of string for me, which is now being weighed down by ridiculous amounts of Christmas loveliness!! 

It's hard not to be in the Christmas spirit when you work with thirty-one children every day. When I'm not tearing up at them singing Silent Night I'm a storyteller, church attendee, directer of the play, Santa drawer, advent calendar manager and of course their teacher as well! It's been an exhausting month with everything going on; the tiredness has actually felt endless! But I can't imagine working anywhere else. 

If the Christmassy excitement of my class wasn't enough of a reward, they definitely spoilt me with Christmas goodies. I had the odd few presents through the week but today was a massive influx of over-sellotaped, doodled-on loveliness. It is a good job I like chocolate and candles! 

With today being the last day of term I can finally switch off from work and fully embrace the festive season. I'm looking forward to driving home for Christmas (no pun intended) and tucking into plenty of mince pies and mulled wine with my Family! I'm sure you'll hear from me again before the 25th but I hope you are all enjoying the build up... no last minut

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