9 June 2013

I see skies of blue, And clouds of white.

So this week started out with a LOT of excitement for me and the new homies. We fell in love with a duplex apartment in Harrogate, honestly it's goregous! So light, spacious and most definitely a blank canvas. There is even a little man-cave for Tom which is the second floor bedroom with en-suite... we are kind to him! We had booked to see another property so we did the sensible thing and weighed up the pros and cons but the beautiful duplex won hands down! We put in our offer on the day but we had to wait for the Landlady to get back to us; she was in Malaysia and it was past Midnight there :( Tuesday morning was spent in my pyjamas eagerly watching the phone waiting for the good news. I can now introduce you to OUR NEW APARTMENT!!! Here is just a sneak peak courtesy of Right Move...

After the busy start to the week it finally hit me that I now have ridiculous amounts of free time! Uni is over so I don't have all my deadlines looming, I have a car sorted, I move in to the new apartment in July and I have nothing else to do. I've spent lots of time lounging around in the sun and finally getting to read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo that has been sat patiently on my kindle for ages. Yesterday Tom took us to IKEA in Leeds to look at housey stuff and then we went to his for lunch and to meet his family. It was good to get out of York but still do something nice in the sunshine. Thank you Mrs Cliffe for such a yummy lunch!

I've also got back into my yoga again after bruising my tailbone at the Summer ball. Falling over at the roller rink multiple times is not good for any bottom bones!! Leah moved out on Tuesday waaaa :'( but she is off to have an awesome time in America :) soooo I've stolen her bedroom space for my new yoga room! So much nicer to do headstands on carpet instead of laminate. My school have asked me to start work on July 15th now so I'm going to have to make the most of my last month of free time in the sun.

Homies with our celebratory sparkly pink wine (poor Tom) <3

Reading and coconut ice-cream treats 

York Museum Gardens 

Noggin Power

How awesome is life at the moment!? I'm feeling super positive right now, I've had loads of time to ponder life and get all excited about what my future might hold. As this is quite a short blog, due to all my sunbathing and lack of actual activities, I thought I'd share some inspiring quotes that reflect what I've been feeling this week :) Ciao! 

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