12 May 2013

There's a lot in my bucket dear Liza

Those of us on primary ed who have taken the MFL specialism have spent a lot of time thinking about transition this week. It's quite fitting as we are about to make a massive transition into real life! We've had our last whole cohort lecture, loads of people have got jobs and Uni officially ends on May 20th.. scary stuff.  It's sad to say goodbye to what has been my life for three years but I'm really excited for future challenges and surprises :) I was having a think about all the things I'd like to do and thought it was about time I started writing some form of bucket list.

There is loads of cool stuff that I've already done like, abseiling, swam with dolphins, had a story published in a magazine, rode a camel, been to the top of the Eiffel tower, tied a message to a balloon and let it go, gone on an aquarium date, given blood, jumped from a boat into the sea, volunteered for charity, visited the Natural History museum, had a fish pedicure, saw the pandas at Edinburgh zoo, attended a Hindu/Sikh wedding, explored castles and caves etc. But what is life without new interests, wishes and passions? :)

The Bucket List in Progress..
Toss a pizza properly
Set foot on all seven continents
Travel, full stop.
Spend new year somewhere awesome like Times Square or at a Half Moon festival
Go on a road-trip in a campervan

Hold a koala
Fall in love - with places, people, memories...
Sit in a hot tub in winter
Sleep under the stars
Standard - scuba, hanglide, bungee, skydive
Take cooking classes
See the Northern Lights

Go to Lands end and John O'groats
Write a book
Have an elephant experience
Own a house
Write a love poem for somebody
Have a massive paint fight
Or visit India for Holi

Bake the perfect cupcake
Visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Have a mini library in my house
Go to a car-boot sale
Ride as many rollercoasters as possible
Complete a scrapbook

Cook Christmas dinner for my entire family
Live abroad
Watch an eclipse
Learn a really good magic trick
Drive on the autobahn
Learn to ski or snowboard on holiday
Stroll through Central Park

Have adventures with my soul mate
Get a photo of myself with a hobbit house in NZ
Live to see amazing new sciences and maybe a cure for Cancer
Ride in a submarine
Stay in a penthouse suite
Tree camping or stay in a yurt

Live a genuinely happy life
Maybe actually have afternoon tea at Betty's
Be a good parent
Pick up new hobbies 
Complete an entire book of puzzles 
Plant a tree

Go on a safari
Climb a mountain, even if it's tiny
Hot air balloon ride
Build a tree-house
Love my career
Visit the major European cities

Start a secret family recipe
Help a stranger with a random act of kindness
Finally have dinner at Goji vegetarian cafe deli!
Date somebody who is starsign compatible
Learn more awesome yoga stuff

Not fall over on the stage at my Graduation
Have my own tropical fish tank like in Romeo and Juliet
Make a wish in every well I come across
Learn a language properly
Ride another zip wire.. and another and another...

Never stop trying new things
Have a marriage more beautiful than my wedding
Get my blog to over 10,000 views :) on 8,000 now!! 
Carve something into a tree
Have a song written about me
Paint my front door a bright colour

Learn how to surf
Visit as many national parks as I can
Go to a bonfire on the beach
Buy my wedding dress from a charity shop
Wreck my wedding dress 

Add things to my bucket list.
Cross things off my bucket list.
Actually do the things on my bucket list.

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