30 December 2012

Deliriousness of a poor soul

I thought I was ill last Sunday and did a nice fancy blog about how I was 'getting over' my cold. Oh ho ho, well I got more than I bargained for at Christmas! Luckily it held off for Christmas day so I could have 24 hours of family fun and stuffing my face but it was all downhill from boxing day! Tonsil the size of tennis ball, me being the brave tonsillitis-beater that I am, refused to see a doctor until Friday morning when I literally couldn't sleep or breath because of the pain. Silly me, ended up with a quinsy which is like super super super bad tonsillitis. DO NOT google it unless you want nightmares. So I spent all of my Friday in bed thinking I was going to die; George Washington actually died from a quinsy the poor fellow, so this is no exaggeration!

Whilst in what I describe as my 'poor soul' state, I was pretty sicky, sleepy, temperature-full and in lots of pain. So I was kinda stuck in that weird limbo between being asleep and awake all day, you know when you aren't really sure if you are dreaming or not? Well in between my subconscious get well party and throwing up an ice lolly (actually real), I came up with the brilliant theory that if I lived in Middle Earth, I wouldn't be as ill because..
a) I would have my own hobbit hole and I could snuggle up and sleep by the fire
b) the elves would have totally fixed me by now

I even left my phone unattended for a whole eight hours which is so unlike me, but it's probably best I waited until after my third batch of antibiotics to reply to anyone. Just in-case you all got invites to Hobbit's tea parties or something...

My poor little tired eyes haven't been enjoying texts or my kindle much but I have liked looking through my instagram and seeing that everyone else has been enjoying their Christmas break, even if mine has sucked a bit! Here are a few of my favourites :) They all open in webstagram for you people reading on a computer not a mobile :)



Everyone, get your fingers crossed for a 100% healthy blog next weekend!!! I'm off to drink ridiculous amounts of blackcurrant and watch the final Lord of the Rings... no shire dreams tonight hopefully ;)

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