28 December 2011

Make the most of 2012

It is that time of the year when everybody is suffering from post-Christmas depression (it's all over :'( waaaaaaa). People are going sales crazy, you think you might have eaten a little too much, it's cold, it's dark, you've worn all your new clothes and played with all your new gadgets BUT there is no need to fear, party season is only half way through; we still have time to celebrate the new year in style! 

Personally I have a very spiritual outlook when it comes to New Year rather than an urge to go out and spend my money in ridiculously overpriced bars. I prefer to spend time with my family and think about the amazing things we have planned for the year ahead.

2012 is going to be time for reinvention, exploration and change. 

Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.

- Buddha

With New Year's resolutions people tend to set their goals really high, hit a hurdle, fail miserably and then give up (unless you have ridiculously high willpower, which if you do, I applaud you as I have none!). To save myself from ever feeling disappointed I firstly think of multiple resolutions to set as long term goals that I can pick up throughout the year; this way, January 1st doesn't seem to depressing. Theeeeeeeen I double check that they only require minimal amounts of effort, I lead a pretty busy life and small changes still count!

Here is my list of resolutions that I thought were quite suited to me at the moment :)

Think before I speak:
Sometimes I say things that are a little harsh, many a tiff could be prevented if I only pause before I opened le massive bouche.

Don't dye my hair:
I am an over-bleaching victim, then an extreme colourist which resulted in my hair having to be chopped off really short :(  luckily I am back on track to having lovely long flowing hair.

Eat more fruit:
I like fruit. Let me eat more of it.

Learn that it's okay to say no:
Not many people know this but I actually love helping people. If you ask me to do a favour, I will probably say yes. Even if I don't want to.

Chill out:
I have self-diagnosed OCD... my room is immaculate, I like to clean and everything is organised. Sometimes I just need to give myself a break and stop worrying about stuff.

But be a hard worker when it is needed:
I am aiming for firsts this year!

Decide on a tattoo, stick it on my wall & if it is still there in 6 months.. MAN UP AND GET IT:
What it says on the tin. Now did I want a unicorn or a flaming skull?? decisions decisions.

On a serious note.. lotus flower is the current idea!

Spend less time on facebook & pick up a hobby:
I waste my life on facebook; I can spend hours just scrolling up and down and up and down. I could probably knit a scarf in that time, or learn to lick my elbow or actually use that hula hoop I bought.

Buy more elephant and turtle stuff:
Heck! this is one every year :)

Smile at EVERYONE.. share some love:
A smile doesn't hurt anyone :) pass it on!

& to share some love... here are some amazing tumblrs that I found today that have some really cute pictures that make me wish Summer was here already! Most the images used in this post are from these sites so check them out!

Peace out my lovely readers!


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