Happy Birthday to Away with the fairies!! The secret window to my inner madness.
Okay so it's not quite a year yet, my first blog post was November 30th 2011 :) Friday will be a super special day as Away with the fairies shares it's big day with the number one guy in my life, my Dad (even if he is quite a bit older). I can't believe it's been an entire year since I entered the blogosphere. Looking back at all my posts, so much has happened to me this year; tears and smiles! It's been a tough time at the moment because I have a lot on my plate BUT taking a closer look has made me realise that I am so lucky and I have so much in life to be thankful for.
So, where do I want to be in another years time??
I will have spent the last few months on my first teaching post. Who knows where I end up but I know I will love it in any which way. Even when I am running on three hours sleep and cups of tea!
I will have read Harry Potter to my class. If I inspire one child to pick up the books instead of the film then I am doing an excellent job. Totally going to fill my reading corner with Harry Potter toys too, I already have a Hermione doll!
My own place! Whether I rent or buy or whatever, I will be an actual grown up. I know I have moved out for Uni but it's not really the same living in a student house. I want something to call my own.
When I get my own place I can eventually decorate how I want to :) Each year I transform my Uni room into a little piece of me as best I can but I can't imagine having free reign over an entire house or flat. HOW EXCITING!!??
I can finally afford a car with my teacher's wage. I don't know too much about cars and I don't even know what would be practical for my lifestyle or anything, BUT I know I want one :) My first ever car!
I might have my very own furry companion. I love animals but I'm only a fan of little dogs as pets. I could get used to this little guy snuggling up to me on my weekends off. Failing that I can always get some tropical fish... awesome!!
When I move into my fabulous new abode, I might even have some amazing housemates or neighbours who instantly become my BFF's :) but maybe that's wishful thinking from watching too much TV hahaha.
I will have enough money to buy some lovely clothes!! When I was 16 I used to spend most my weekly wages on really nice clothes and I haven't been able to do it in soooooo long. Roll on the September payday!
I will have really long hair in time for Graduation in November! I still won't have dyed it or damaged it and I will be super proud of myself :)
Fingers crossed I will still have time to be a culinary genius. I have to get my five a day and all my vitamins if I am going to be an outstanding NQT don't I? ;)
I am facing the fact that I am pretty much going to end up like Jess from New Girl. Those of you who watch it and know me well will fully see where I am coming from....
Well November 2013, I'll be seeing you sooner than I expect probably!
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